8 Benefits of a Built-in Learning Platform

Our approaches to working and learning have changed drastically. It was sped up by Covid-19 restrictions, but this was already the trajectory we were on as technology becomes a bigger part of our lives.

The Right Software

Teaching resources are shared online, lectures can be recorded, and queries can be dealt with over a Microsoft Teams call. We rely on the right platforms and tools to transfer skills, ideas, and knowledge in a safe and hassle-free way. A built-in learning platform should be part of that toolkit.

The right software to suit your tuition service, whether a large organisation or an independent teaching service, is key to ensuring operations run smoothly. It’s also imperative that the correct platforms are being used for virtual conferencing and sharing resources.

Why Built-in Learning Platforms?

In this blog, we’ll be exploring why a virtual learning experience built-in to management software is a major benefit to those running a tuition service and to all of the parents, teachers, and pupils involved.

  1. Everything’s in one place! Having a built-in learning platform means you can operate every aspect of your service from one piece of software. Otherwise, you risk using a different platform or application for everything you do. Virtual learning needs a separate platform from your communications, which needs another platform separate from your finances, and another from your scheduling application. Keeping everything synchronised and straightforward means keeping everything in one easy and accessible location. It also saves you the headache of needing to learn and manoeuvre several entirely different tools.

Xperios offers an enhanced UI experience that makes for a streamlined and organised system. Xperios offers all the tools you could need to run a tuition service, from teaching to administration, and does so using a flawless design and naturally logical structure.

A girl waving at the camera at her online lesson, a potential customer from your online tuition business model

2. No conflicting calendars and schedules. If your virtual learning platform exists independently of your management system you run the risk of double booking, missing a class, or miscommunicating an element of your service. You’re having to input schedules and class information twice; once into your Microsoft Teams or Google calendar, as well as into your management software. By having one calendar used by all teachers, pupils and admin with built-in learning platform links, you can direct pupils to the virtual conference or learning resource they need directly. This means they won’t need to download another piece of software, sign up for another application, or learn a new platform layout.

3. All your tools are compatible. Juggling several platforms or applications to fulfil your tasks is challenging. It’s even more challenging when one or two of these tools crash or hinder your working because they aren’t compatible. Using just one reliable piece of software means you don’t need to be concerned about an application failing or a resource not reaching the correct pupils. Instead, all your tools are consistent and intended for one another, and therefore less likely to crash.

4. A platform designed and intended for your needs. Whilst we all know how reliable and useful virtual conferencing platforms such as Microsoft Teams and Zoom are, those of us who use these platforms regularly know how slowly classes can run in a virtual environment when compared with a physical environment. A fraction of the content covered in class previously now takes twice the time. Platforms like Teams and Zoom are not exclusively intended for education, and come with a considerable learning curve for teachers and pupils alike. A built-in learning platform within your tuition management software will be designed for educational purposes, and include features that benefit virtual learning.

5. You don’t need to build your own learning platform! Whilst it is possible to build your own learning platform, there are a number of potential issues that arise from such a prospect. Firstly, the cost of development and maintenance would be high and ongoing. Secondly, the time spent maintaining a platform could remove attention from other aspects of your business. Thirdly, developing a virtual learning platform is a hugely complex task to undertake! Choosing software that provides the tools to run your service as well as the tools for teaching means dodging a loss of time and money. The right software can also offer you the same bespoke experience by allowing you to turn features on and off.

Xperios offers a bespoke software experience that removes the need for you to build your own platform. Xperios consists of modules that include a number of features. You can tailor the software for your service by adding or removing modules.

Young violinist practicing with orchestra band with high concentration.

6. Easy access for all stakeholders. Having one platform for everything means all stakeholders use the same system. This makes communication easier and removes potential confusion. Although stakeholders will have varying access rights, those that should be sharing the same page will be on the same page… literally. Why complicate matters by sending different stakeholders to different platforms, each with new login details? One login and one software provider makes for a shared and unified experience.

7. It’s more than just virtual conferencing. Although virtual conferencing is the tool that comes to mind for digital learning, the right platform can offer much more! Additional tools are made all the more manoeuvrable and convenient when the built-in learning platform is part of your larger management software. For example, a virtual learning environment might also include a resource sharing library. Having this tool as a part of your management software makes it easier to share messages, announcements, and other resources to any stakeholder involved with your tuition service, and to any number of individuals associated with the platform.

Xperios offers a number of tools for a richer virtual learning experience. This includes a resource library for sharing set content with pupils. The resource library also contains the latest content offered by Paritor. Paritor resources are intended to inform users of how best the software might benefit them!

A young boy engaging with an online tuition business via laptop

8. A built-in learning environment is secure. It opens up a number of possibilities for monitoring and security that wouldn’t be possible otherwise. For instance, software administrators can track whether teaching has commenced by monitoring when the attached virtual conferencing tool has been accessed by a teacher. Tracking pupil attendance is easier as administrators will be able to see if students have entered the virtual classroom. Virtual conferencing can include a code or login for access to the classroom to avoid uninvited guests.

Xperios offers the ability to assign teachers and pupils to virtual classrooms for security and monitoring. Virtual rooms require a login in, whilst other platforms such as Whereby offer this, having a built-in learning platform adds an extra layer of security. A login means the right pupils and teachers attend the right classes!


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