Devolving Your Data

Our Xperios software is built to help music tuition services work more efficiently.

Data entry is one of the most time consuming and tedious processes for many companies, especially tuition businesses that rely on written submissions. Moving to a more modern business model will reduce this labour-intensive task.

Modern tuition businesses devolve their data input away from the central admin team to reduce data entry and save time. If you’re still asking teachers and parents to complete paperwork, then getting your admin team to copy that information into some sort of system, it’s time to streamline your processes.

Our live portals allow parents to complete an online application form with all the details that you require for your students. Teachers can complete registers and assessments in their live portal, as soon as they get an internet connection your Xperios software will be updated with all those details. No paper copies in sight.

In each instance where you would be entering data from paper into your software, we encourage you to think of who provides that data in the first place and get them to input it into the software themselves.

Not only does this avoid the duplication of work, but it also reduces errors from poor handwriting or misreading. Taking out the middle man from data entry creates more reliable data, and your database is only as good as the data within it.

Think of all the lost registers, backlogged paperwork and additional GDPR compliance required from having paper copies floating around. Devolving your data entry to the party that is providing the data will save you time and make your business more scalable.


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